Angel of Hope – Island Park Master Plan Update 4/29/2022

Good morning ☀️As I said in my previous post, I have received assurances from the Park Board that we would be VERY MUCH involved in any discussions regarding the Angel of Hope in relation to the changes being proposed at Island Park. My goal in bringing this up is to ensure that EVERYONE involved in the Island Park Master Plan project is aware of what the Angel of Hope means to grieving parents. After conversations with the Park District Executive Director (Dave Leker) and the Park District Enterprise Director and liaison to the consultants (Carolyn Boutain), I feel that the Park Board does ‘get it’. My bigger concerns are/were with the outside consultants that are doing the actual design. Dave and Carolyn have assured me that they will have conversations with them about these concerns. As I said in my original post, any potential changes (and there may not be any) involving the Angel of Hope will likely be years down the road. In my opinion, I don’t think we should fret about something that is years away and may never happen. HOWEVER, I do encourage you to share your remarks and concerns with the Island Park Master Plan Committee. They have a website especially for this. You will need to create a profile and will then have access to all of the ideas and thoughts that have been submitted. Here is the website: You may add your thoughts by clicking on the ‘Thought’ button on the right side of the screen near the top. Thank you….Sheryl